As of Spring of 2024, Practically Funny is available to all artists, students, businesses, & colleges. Moreover, the resources used in the workshop will be made available on this page in the near future.

More than any other medium, standup comedy as a craft demands the most control and craftsmanship in writing, performance, & authenticity.

It's rare for a comedian to be taught a skill - they learn to make people laugh by trial and error, like a rat navigating a maze by electrocution.

There's no body of knowledge or technique, or a neatly organized lexicon to tell people what a springboard is or how to XXXX rather than YYYY.

Practically Funny is a framework to understand funny, a lens to see the groups of people around you in a deeper way, and an actionable path to getting good at standup comedy.

For information, updates, and getting a Practically Funny workshop to your school or place of work, please fill out the contact form below.

The bulk of the information in the workshop is in those resources, in the same words and likely with more completeness and at least as many pretentious definitions.

They're free because they're for broke-a#s bit#hes ruining my open mics & smoking sidewalk - if you just have an “intellectual curiosity” you'd better ALSO have a dollar to send $MJComic on CashApp or @Michael-Jochims on Venmo. Otherwise I'm coming to your house after school.

I don't mean to tee this too high, but if you read the Be Funny Now pages about Mechanics (Clarity, Brevity, Syntax, and Phonetics), you're probably quantifiably funnier than you were before. Just a few simple things, applied with consistency & diligence. You should send me a dollar at $MJComic on CashApp, or @Michael-Jochims on Venmo.

Your Name*

Phone Number*



Please contact me with updates on: *
